古城普罗夫迪夫(Plovdiv)是保加利亚的第二大城市,在巴尔干地区与伊斯坦布尔和雅典等城市齐名。历史可以跨越6000年,老城位于市中心的山丘之上。这里集中了城市的建筑精华, 被称为露天博物馆。The ancient city of Plovdiv is Bulgaria's second largest city. History spanning 6,000 years, the Old Town is located in the hills above the city center. This focus on the essence of the city's buildings, known as the open-air museum.
01.宁芬堡宫 ( Schloss Nymphenburg,即“仙女城”) 是巴伐利亚州的统治者 King Ludwig II 的夏季官邸。1675
年建成,是一座巴洛克式的宫殿。国王在慕尼黑中心市政厅边上还有官邸。现在从慕尼黑市中心开到宁芬堡宫仅仅20 分钟的车程。当年用马车应该也会很方便吧 -- 统治者为自己总是想得很周到的。 Schloss Nymphenburg is the ruler of Bavaria King Ludwig II's summer residence. Built in 1675.
新天鹅城堡建于1869年,是德国的象征。Neuschwanstein Castle was built in 1869, is Germany's symbol.
1.德累斯顿(Dresden)在柏林东南200公里处。游完柏林后,我们驱车直奔德累斯顿。Dresden (Dresden) is located in 200 km southeast of Berlin.
2. 德累斯顿1485年开始就是萨克森王国的都城。是当时享誉欧洲的文化名城.Dresden is the capital of the Kingdom of Saxony since 1485,it was the famous cultural city of Europe.
3 二战时德累斯顿突然遭到英美联军的猛烈轰炸,七成以上历史建筑被摧毁。今天还可在建筑物上看见战火硝烟所熏的痕迹. 战后重建时,大部分都是依据照片和历史资料恢复原来的面貌。During the World War II, Dresden was bombed and destroyed by the coalition. Post-war reconstruction of Dresden, most are based on photographs and historical information to restore the original appearance.
4.德累斯顿的清晨。非常羡慕生活在那里的人们,悠悠哉哉地。Peaceful morning.
church 是德累斯顿最主要的教堂。Mother's church is the main church.