Saturday, November 9, 2013

梦幻网友团保加利亚之旅 (4/7)-世遗古城普罗夫迪夫 Dream Tour of Bulgaria - Plovdiv

古城普罗夫迪夫Plovdiv是保加利亚的第二大城市,在巴尔干地区与伊斯坦布尔和雅典等城市齐名。历史可以跨越6000年,老城位于市中心的山丘之上。这里集中了城市的建筑精华, 被称为露天博物馆。The ancient city of Plovdiv is Bulgaria's second largest city. History spanning 6,000 years, the Old Town is located in the hills above the city center. This focus on the essence of the city's buildings, known as the open-air museum.

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