Friday, August 9, 2013

环游德国(1/10) -- 柏林精华菩提树下大街 Visiting Germany (1/10) - Berlin

1 我和朋友在今年6月初去了欧洲作自驾游。重点是环游德国。这是柏林的珀加蒙博物馆。We travelled around Germany in June,2013. This is Berlin's Pergamon Museum.
 2.巴比伦琉璃砖城门,是世上绝无仅有的宝贝。Babylon glazed brick gates - the world's unique treasure.

 3 古希腊神庙 (镇馆宝藏之一)Ancient Greek temple 
 4 Qasr Mshatta:是倭马亚王朝的宫殿,建于公元743年,原来的遗址位于约旦的安曼。Qasr Mshatta: Umayyad palace, built in AD 743, the original site is located in Amman, Jordan.
 5 柏林大教堂(Berlin Cathedral
 6 二战纪念堂,门口一块小牌子不引人注目,雕塑简洁而发人深思。
World War II Memorial.
7  柏林墻遗址 Ruins of the Berlin Wall
 8 市容。The city

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