Tuesday, April 15, 2014

南征北战新西兰 (2/15)-- 萤火虫洞和汉密尔顿花园 New Zealand Tour 2/15

新西兰没有成文的宪法。国教是天主教。国歌有地位等同的两首:《天佑新西兰》(God Defend New Zealand)与《天佑女王》(God Save The Queen)。国歌前半部分为毛利语,后半部分为英语。New Zealand has no written constitution. State religion is Catholicism. Equivalent of two standing anthem: "God Save New Zealand" (God Defend New Zealand) and "God Save the Queen" (God Save The Queen). Anthem for the first half of the Maori, the latter half is English.
 新西兰是在左边开车,出租车大都是手动的。Driving in New Zealand is on the left.
 汉密尔顿花园是个做得非常考究的巨大花园Hamilton Garden)

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