Tuesday, July 16, 2013

奥地利小镇 IMST - A Small Town IMST in Austria

话说今年6月我们在欧洲自驾游,从德国最南边的新天鹅堡出来再往南开一小时就到了奥地利的小镇IMST一路开进奥地利,但见天高云淡,风景如画。Beautiful Austria.
 梦幻中的乡村𡋾墅。Dream villa in the countryside
 步入镇內。春夏秋天來应该去爬山看花玩水。冬天来则去滑雪,镇后有缆车上山。我们是顺道拜访,所以只能由南往北走马观""。We walked into the town. People can go hiking in Spring or skiing in winter.
 Bank  On the street.         Haha!
 The only restaurant we can find to have food at 2 pm.

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